Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Appreciation of Music

You may not realize but we all take appreciation for granite and the things we appreciate: everyday necessities, to family and friends, and even to our own personal lives. With appreciating we show how grateful or thankful we are, this is a virtue we all must understand. With this type of appreciation we would never want to lose these things and we would always want them near to us. I appreciate the talent of singing and many other people do not because they either think they cannot sing but they really can or they have not experienced the beauty of singing all together. I think the whole process starts with the appreciating what you hear out of the song. We hear singing around us all day from the radio, to live performances, to even people singing in Wal-Mart. When we hear the singing, some of us let the tune go in one ear and out the other and others let the music move them. They listen to the lyrics, the background music, the beat or rhythm, and then the whole thing overall, to really understand and appreciate what they are listening to. When you start to appreciate singing, you start to have a better outlook on life and have more of a positive attitude. So next time you hear a song come on, take time and really listen to the whole aspect and appreciate what you are listening to, just like Charlie Brown and his friends do when they sing.

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